Writing in verse : The verse is the fundamental metric unit of poetry. Said in a “rough” way: every now and then you have to go to the head, otherwise you don’t write poetry but prose! However, it is not possible to head to case, because it is necessary to divide the verses with knowledge of the facts, based on one’s style and the metric adopted.
Metric : represents the set of rules to follow to write a poem. The metric can vary, assuming also a personal style: in that case we speak of free metrics. For example, if you write a sonnet it is essential to divide the work into a certain number of triplets and quatrains.
Language : this is something that many people do not know. Writing poetry does not mean composing works by speaking in common language. One of the substantial differences between poetry and prose is the presence of a different way of “talking”, for example with the use of rhetorical figures or rhymes. As already mentioned, it is not enough to wrap each time to define one’s own writings as poetry.
Grammar : with reference to the previous point, we must never exceed in what is commonly defined as “poetic license”. Remember that the rules of Italian grammar also apply to poetry. Therefore, avoid distorting words and verbs by deceiving yourself that you have given life to a sublime way of writing.
Punctuation : The use of punctuation is essential. Just move a comma or remove a point to completely change the rhythm and effectiveness of a verse . Punctuation is a very powerful weapon for communicating well, but it can also be lethal if misplaced: use it wisely.
Inspiration: write only if you feel inspired and look for a situation or place that really inspires you. Remember that poetry is humility and sensitivity. Avoid writing poetry directly on the computer in an attempt to “save time”: true poets write in the traditional way, living every word printed on paper!